Wedding bag 4 things to know

Wedding bags
Bridal bags

Bridal bags, impossible to do without

Transforming an important event such as a wedding into a unique and unforgettable moment is an art that involves absolutely everything, even the smallest detail of the day, starting with the preparation of the bridal handbags.

  • But what exactly are these wedding bags?
  • What should they contain and when are delivered to guests the purse?
We try to answer all these questions in a simple and direct way to dissolve any doubts and leave room for imagination.

1 - What is the wedding bag?

This is a trend that comes from America USA and is spreading rapidly in our Country as well. It is a pampering dedicated to guests, a free bag that is offered to guests on the wedding day and that will accompany them for the duration of the event to make it more enjoyable with the items contained in the wedding bag.

2 - Who makes the wedding handbags?

The wedding bag ideas are at the total discretion of the spouses who choose what kind of bags to use and which products and accessories to put in the shopping bags.
As for the collection of all the objects and the actual composition of the bags, it is often delegated to the bridesmaids, friends, cousins ​​and aunts.

3 - What do you put inside the wedding purses?

The wedding bag content has no rules and is absolutely at the discretion of the spouses. It is the most practical and original solution to distribute to guests all those items that will prove very useful both during and after the wedding ceremony. For this reason, cheap wedding bags that sacrifice pomp in favor of practicality will also be highly appreciated.
Go ahead with fans, handkerchiefs, Mass booklet, bags with rice, soap bubbles to celebrate, the map to reach the restaurant, the cockade to decorate the car and much more.

4 - When are the bridal purse delivered?

There are no rules of etiquette that define the best time for the delivery of the wedding bags to your guests: they can be found directly in the place of the ceremony, Church or Municipality, occupying alternate seats (one yes and one no) or they can be hand delivered by the bridesmaids or friends of the bride .
Tip: customize them with the names of the bride and groom and the wedding date as you can with custom wedding ring boxes.
The ideas are many and all right if they express the taste and will of the spouses, true protagonists of the day.
Pubblicato il: 1 June 2022